
What is Kinesiology? Kinesiology is a method of muscle testing, base in Chinese Medicine and is used to gain feedback from the body and the subconscious mind. Through this method, the client and practitioner gain valuable information regarding physical, nutritional, mental, emotional and energetic stress that are impacting the body and nervous system.

We then follow up the muscle testing by applying various techniques or other modalities to alleviate and correct these imbalances.

In Kinesiology, we believe and trust in the body and subconscious mind's inner intelligence. Meaning, the answers to progress and healing in life are already within the individual and through direct questioning and muscle testing, we can cut out a lot of trial and error, achieving faster results, specific to you and your unique requirements.

Ways Kinesiology can help you

  • Improve mind-body connection.
  • Reduce pain.
  • Alleviate stress and anxiety.
  • Identify the root cause of physical, emotional or nutritional blocks.
  • Identify and overcome limiting self-beliefs.
  • Improve self esteem.
  • Increase physical performance.
  • Recover faster from injury and illness.
  • Help the body return to natural movement patterns (improved biomechanics).
  • Create tailored exercise and food plans, unique to your body and its requirements.
  • Increase mental clarity.
  • Improve time management.
  • Alleviate symptoms of food intolerance.
  • Help create a tailored lifestyle plan that best suits your goals and needs.
Free 15 min Consultation! Call to chat about your needs and ask any questions!